Whether you're wondering about who God is or if you already know Messiah Yeshua and want to grow deeper in your faith, we would love to meet you and help you grow spiritually in the Lord! Beit Chesed meets because God has called us together. We have responded to the good news that King Messiah has come and His Name is Yeshua (Jesus) with a big YES! We believe you can be Jewish and believe in Jesus because God has neither forgotten His people or His promises. Jewish faith in Jesus as Messiah should be based on His truth claims, not on what's popular. Beit Chesed means "house of loving kindness." We have experienced His loyal love; literally His "Chesed." God accepts us based on His goodness, not ours. Therefore we can rest in full assurance of eternal life because of God's promise & provision in Jesus. Beit Chesed offers a unique opportunity to bring our worlds together - our family of faith and those we love who have not yet found Messiah. It is our goal to provide accessible and vibrant Jewish worship, education, and community. By putting the Messiah front and center, we want to make the issue clear that you can be Jewish and believe in Jesus. We want to tell an old story in new ways to speak to every generation. Our Shabbat Services and Holiday observances will enhance your spiritual growth and give you a place to bring friends to meet the Messiah. If you are looking for a warm, welcoming Jewish-Christian community, we encourage you to come visit us. We hope that you would join our efforts to help build Beit Chesed into a strong and vibrant congregation to be passed on in community, l'dor v'dor, from generation to generation.
Come join us for Shabbat! We read from the weekly Parsha, which include the Torah, Haftarah (Prophets), and the B'rit Hadasha (New Covenant) portions. Our worship style depends on the musicians God provides.
We are looking to grow BCMC into a healthy Messianic Congregation and need helping hands that want to be a part of something special that the Lord is doing, right here in our midst. If you believe you are called to help us grow BCMC into a healthy Jewish expression of worship in the St. Louis region, please contact us today.