Beit Chesed Messianic Congregation
The House of Loving Kindness
Beit Chesed Messianic Congregation
The House of Loving Kindness
Welcome to Beit Chesed Messianic Congregation, your ultimate guide to planning and celebrating the Bar/Bat Mitzvah, with tips, ideas, and inspiration for the perfect celebration.
King Messiah has come and His name is Yeshua (Jesus)! We want to provide a safe and healthy environment where Jews and Gentiles
can meet the Jewish Messiah and grow in their faith journey.
We meet every Saturday for a Shabbat morning service but we also observe major Jewish days of worship. All of our events are at:
CCC / 2501 Rockford Ave in Rock Hill, MO 63144 (unless otherwise indicated)
Take the McKnight Rd exit off Hwy I-64/40. Go south 1/4 mile to Golden Gate (one block after Litzsinger). Turn left and take that until you see Clayton Community Church (intersection of Golden Gate and Rockford Ave).
2501 Rockford Avenue, Saint Louis, Missouri 63144, United States
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